The Goal: Moving product from receiving to inventory in the warehouse can be a challenge on retail workers. Particularly in small stores with few employees. Our customer needed to keep product flowing smoothly and decrease the time required to stock inventory after a shipment.
The Solution: We provided a smooth running and inexpensive gravity roller conveyor system. This kept their employees out of the stockroom and on the retail floor.
The Result: Simple and smooth transportation of the product through the warehouse. No lost product from falls off of the conveyor and no slowdowns from jamming on rollers.
Contact us to learn how your retail store can benefit from a new or upgraded conveyor system. We have experience working on all types of conveyor systems.
One of our specialties is with retail liquor stores. Liquor stores have unique challenges with frequent and heavy product deliveries and small storage areas. Product needs to be stored and retrieved safely and quickly. Our design engineers can custom fit a conveyor into your store. Find out more about our process.